Analyze Index

Table of Contents

Analyze index is used to evaluate an indexes physical properties.

round-pushpin Analyzes the index IX_Translation on the Translation schema.
ANALYZE INDEX IX_TargetWordId ON WordList:Synonym

Exmaple output

Batch 1 of 1 completed in 145ms. (0 rows affected)
Index Analysis {
Schema : FlatTranslate
Name : ix_English
Partitions : 100
Id : 337ffa54-1db5-402b-9761-e4f97ab9ca0a
Unique : False
Created : 8/2/2024 3:33:21 PM
Modified : 8/2/2024 3:33:21 PM
Disk Path : C:\Katzebase\Root\WordList\FlatTranslate\@Index_ix_English
Pages Size : 1,799.49k
Disk Size : 899.96k
Compression Ratio : 50.01
Node Count : 83,416
Root Node Count : 83,416
Max. Node Depth : 1
Min. Node Density : 1
Max. Node Density : 1 (unique)
Avg. Node Density : 1.00
Document Count : 83,416
Selectivity Score : 99.9988%
Attributes {
