The EXEC directive is used to execute a stored procedure whther it be built-in or user created.
Executes the built-in ShowCachePartitions procedure to show the memory cache partitions.
exec ShowCachePartitions
Executes a user defined stored procedure passing it a parameter.
EXEC WordList:Word:CreateAndGetWord('Katzebase')
See also
- ShowMemoryUtilization - Shows the operating system level memory utilization used by the database engine.
- ShowProcesses - Shows all active processes, their session ID, process ID and various transaction information.
- ShowTransactions - Shows all transactions that are current active.
- ShowVersion - Shows the names and versions of all loaded assemblies.
- ShowWaitingLocks - Shows processes that are currently waiting on locks.
- Keywords - A breakdown of all high-level statements available via the query handler.
- ShowAggregateFunctions - Displays the list of built-in aggregation functions and their parameters.
- ShowCachePages - Displays information about cached database pages.
- ShowScalarFunctions - Displays the list of built-in scaler functions and their parameters.
- ShowSystemFunctions - Displays the list of built-in system functions and their parameters.