Scaler Functions
Scaler functions are used to evaluate expressions on a per-row basis.
- Checksum - Generates a checksum value based on the data within documents of a specified schema.
- Concat - Merges or concatenates the values of text fields from documents within a specified schema.
- DateTime - Gets the local date and time with an optional format string.
- DateTimeUTC - Gets the UTC/GMT date and time with an optional format string.
- DocumentID - Returns the internal identifier for a document in a schema document page.
- DocumentPage - Returns the internal page number that contains the document in a schema.
- DocumentUID - Returns the internal unique identifier for a document in a schema.
- Guid - Generates a GUID (globally unique identifier).
- IIF - Returns one of two specified values depending on whether a given condition
- IndexOf - Gets the position of one string in another string.
- IsBetween
- IsEqual
- IsGreater
- IsGreaterOrEqual
- IsLess
- IsLessOrEqual
- IsLike
- IsNotBetween
- IsNotEqual
- IsNotLike
- LastIndexOf
- Left
- Length
- Right
- Sha1
- Sha256
- SubString
- ToLower
- ToProper
- ToUpper
- Trim
- Home - The home page
- Checksum - Generates a checksum value based on the data within documents of a specified schema.
- Concat - Merges or concatenates the values of text fields from documents within a specified schema.
- DateTime - Gets the local date and time with an optional format string.
- DateTimeUTC - Gets the UTC/GMT date and time with an optional format string.
- DocumentID - Returns the internal identifier for a document in a schema document page.
- DocumentPage - Returns the internal page number that contains the document in a schema.
- DocumentUID - Returns the internal unique identifier for a document in a schema.
- Guid - Generates a GUID (globally unique identifier).
- IIF - Returns one of two specified values depending on whether a given condition